This show should be called, "The Lying Continues". This was just more of Casey's lies, and more of her accusations against her father. I don't believe a word she says.
It sounds like she has done a lot of research on how someone who was sexually abused as a child is supposed to act/react. She puts on quite an act. But I am not buying it.
The show is all about poor, pitiful Casey and the aftermath of her life after being acquitted. Not one tear for Caylee!
If, as she says, her father took Caylee from her, why didn't she call the police in the 31 days that followed?
The evidence is overwhelming. She was the last person to see Caylee alive. She spent the next 31 days partying and lying to her family about where Caylee was. She never reported her child missing!!! And when her own mother called the police, she lied to them time and time again, preventing them from uncovering the truth. GUILTY