Ryan Reynolds is brilliant and I have no problem with repeating 4th wall breaks, industry insider jargon based jokes and the fantastic violent fight sequences...but this falls short and maybe I'm the only one disappointed but I felt nothing for the characters. When you don't care about the characters it doesn't matter what happens to tjem so the suspense is ruined. The film should have leaned more on previously formed relationships with the introduction of the new ones instead of having wade and his gal broken up with no info ( he did travel back in time to not just save her but save thier relationship...not sure how u break up w someone you love who has also done that for you but ok) and the other established characters we all love were short cameo snippets of stereotypical banter that added zero...it felt like the district company said " yeah these characters are great and all but old ..the ppl really only care about deadpool. So let's put " name big celebrity bit parts cameos and other roles we can throw money at to fill it with quickly put -together super heroes ...
It was so formulaic that as a producer for over 30 years, I could literally hear the execs pitching the script changes as they botched it up
NO WAY REYNOLDS FELT THIS SCRIPT "DID IT" HONESTLY. it lost the edgy independent feel then pokedmeanly at the studio who DIDhave the balls to make the first 2. Disney has the opposite of a midastouch amd I wanted to like this film
I wanted to but I feel Reynolds was forced to compromise on the script the cast the humor etc. If I'm wrong I apolog
izegood sir but I honestly sad amd feel deadpool lost itswinning streak.