I feel like most of the hate for this game is coming from people who haven’t finished the game or haven’t even played it. For me This is a near masterpiece. It wouldn’t let me rate it ****1/2 haha. I understand how some people might hate the game and yes i have some minor complaints with the game but this game blew me away. I’ve never felt so conflicted with characters choices during a game. This is a beautiful yet brutal and bleak game that forces you to see incidents from different perspectives.
Gameplay and graphics are better here than in the first game obviously but the first game was such a tight and perfect game whereas the last of us 2 is lonnnnnnggggg and it could’ve cut out a few chapters. For example the last of us has 29 chapters and the last of us 2 has 46 chapters. This is truly an EPIC game and it does have some pacing issues although you kind of need the character development.
Bottom line: I absolutely loved the last of us 2. I can see how some might hate some choices that are made but please play this game and decide for yourself. It truly is a game changer in storytelling,character development and game play.