I recently finished watching Don’t Come Home, a six-episode series that, despite its promise of a compelling storyline, fell short of my expectations. The premise initially seemed intriguing, especially with the introduction of a time travel element midway through. However, this concept quickly spiraled into confusion, ultimately detracting from the story.
The time loop, which plays a central role, is poorly explained and lacks coherence. A key question—how does Varley give birth to herself?—is left unanswered, and the logic behind the loop feels forced. There’s an attempt to explore the classic “chicken or the egg” paradox, but it’s executed in a way that feels irrelevant and underdeveloped.
The series had potential to delve into a more meaningful exploration of time travel. However, the story ends up tangled in a web of inconsistencies, making it difficult to follow and ultimately frustrating. A better-constructed time loop could have added depth, but instead, it introduces more questions than answers, leaving viewers with too much to process and too little clarity.
Don’t Come Home could have been something more, but its ambitious ideas are unfortunately overshadowed by flawed execution.