I was very surprised at the bad reviews after I watched a few episodes. I will agree some of the treatment ( S & M sister) could have easily been left out, however, the story is still there- and I loved Peaky Blinders yet did not even know same guy did this when I started watching it and you either will like that type of stylized work of old history but I don't see the difference of praising Oliver Twist as a big musical? People want to be entertained and I found this very entertaining! Especially loved Olivia Colman and Bashy who played Jaggers was truly a great actor in this! The fight scenes were well done and very gruesome and the grit and language felt tense and overall even though I still have to wait till final espisodes I have been entertained. Love Dickens and it just makes me want to go and read book again. Another great example of a fantastic treatment that was panned is A Christmas Carol. Watching Jim Carrey in IMAX 3D is still one of my best cinema experiences to date. They should run it every Xmas in that format and drop price to half for the holidays .