I bought this game when it first came out and have been playing off & on again due to the poor performance of the game overall. Just started playing again 3 months ago and bought 2 years of ESO plus. The last two updates of the Greymore chapter have been a total disaster for performance on Xbox. I have the best quality internet from my ISP and Xbox one X and still the game runs like its a beta or demo. I'm even more so disappointed in the fact that the developers have been claiming to be emphasizing on performance! I am am so close to asking for a refund on my ESO plus! This Microsoft acquisition better straighten out some QC issues or I will not buy another Bethesda/Zenimax product. Over $600 paid for digital content that has only caused me aggravation! Not to mention their other recent MMO release I dropped money on. Its getting very hard to defend my own purchases with these examples! Get it fixed NOW!