I'm glad I attended this movie, which was visually very poetic, and the music score was wonderful but never intrusive. For someone who followed Leunigs work throughout their university days and early working days, this was essential viewing. As the name suggests though, you will emerge from the experience with quite a fragmented understanding of this very private and very complex character. Of course many including myself don't agree with his controversial anti vaccination stance, however many of his other political and life philosophies resonate deeply with me. Although the film feels quite pervasively morose and sad at times, especially when he comes up for air and wonders what happened to his family, (who probably got lost while he worked away), there were frequent bursts of humour that caused us to laugh out loud. For some strange reason, we seemed to be the only ones in the theatre who realised the humour. Just goes to show, everyone is different, just like Leunig is!