"Biwi No. 1" is a lively Bollywood comedy that expertly blends humor with family drama. The film revolves around a married man's attempts to juggle his responsibilities while secretly dating another woman. Anupam Kher and Karisma Kapoor shine in their roles, delivering both comedic and emotional moments. Salman Khan’s charm adds to the film’s appeal, making it a fun watch.
The screenplay is engaging, filled with witty dialogues and situational comedy that keeps viewers entertained. The film also touches on themes of fidelity and the importance of communication in relationships, albeit with a humorous twist. While some plot points may feel predictable, the strong performances and catchy music make "Biwi No. 1" a memorable film for those who enjoy light-hearted romances. Overall, it's a classic example of 90s Bollywood charm that still resonates with audiences today.