I gave a three because I’ve never met a game that I love and hate so much at the same time in my entire life. I love the extra gamemodes, playing with friends, and challenging myself in competitive. But at the same time this game has the most inconsistent logic in the whole world. The goalpost has a mind of its own and pinches go anywhere and everywhere. Shots that you’d think would have no chance of going in find their way right to the center of your goal and the number of smurfs you run into is outrageous. And somehow the thing that surpasses those is the inconsistent ping I have while playing this game. Every single time I play I lag and it causes me to lose many a games. I’ve tried everything to fix it and I know it’s not my internet cause it’s the only game that I lag on. So there. Love and hate this game so so much. It has so much potential but instead of fixing the mistakes epic only cares about the money so the only new updates at this point is new cars and painted items into the shop. EPIC IF YOU SEE THIS FIX YOUR GAME.