let me start off by saying I am a huge flash fan and have watched all the seasons and I love the show. Season 1 was peak, Season 2 was peak, Season 3 was peak. I really don’t understand why people don’t like season 4 it was very good in my opinion. I liked devoe and how Barry went to jail was framed for devoes death. I liked Ralphs character a lot. Now season 5 was ok. here is where things went downhill season 6-7 were trash and I did not like it at all. The villains and the plot were trash and they focus to much on iris and team flash when it should be more about Barry. Now with all that I really did enjoy season 8 . Instead of there being one main villain there were serve and I really liked that. It was awesome finally seeing Barry level up. I loved the final with all the forces is a very cool concert. Tbh I did not like rf suit for the final black does not suit him it should have been yellow. In all I definitely recommend the flash because overall it is a very good show.