The whole show has lost its track... there are no realization of any facts from the past scenes... the whole show has come to a point as it looks like a big Joke... prenas baby bump no one can see ... Bajaj is a big joke... no emotions does not even know how to deliver dialogs... no proper realization of past facts... I dont understand why can't they make a straightforward story... this serial is heading towards a wrong direction... the logic is missing ... feelings are missing it's so inhumane... sacrifice can also be shown in different ways not by simply marrying Bajaj... I should not say but will definitely point out that the whole show looks like a big joke... my whole family and friends lost interest... The best upcoming serial is sonakshi and Dr. Rohit... the writer producer and director should learn to join facts together like BAHUBALI MOVIE ... which has been a proper movie joining all the story of each scene to scene ... NOT GOING TO WATCH THESE SHOWS ANYMORE...