I think it is really sad that the focus is on everything except how people like me are suffering and have nothing left to live on and on the verge of losing my home. I am a 67 year old white female and am told i dont derserve any help. I am on social security and had a part time job and lost that and did not qualify for unemployment. I am at high risk for the virus and have heart disease. All my savings is gone and I feel like I don't matter anymore in this country. It is all for illegal immigrants and blacks. I have been pushed aside and told my life does not matter. I have not done anything to anyone and don't deserve to be treated this way. All you can focus on is how vogue treated Kamala Harris because of an outfit. Really!? People like me are losing their homes and don't have food and this is never on the news. I will no longer watch your show. You are so focused on blaming the president and getting back at him that the small peopl like me are never thought of. The 600 dollars was a joke. The prices are so high on everything that would barely cover utilities for most people.