I saw the huge praise for the Console version of the game on PS4 and decided to get a second copy, as I love the version on the PC and was expecting after reading the positive, easy to use game rad reviews. Only to find a broken game in the form of the enhanced edition.
First off, I ok at playing kerbal Space Program, and can get some pretty weird craft into orbit, land on far off worlds and would give the pc version fantastic reviews. However after spending an hour progressing through buggy controls and saving my progress, I was not happy to find, my save was overwritten the next time I played, when I clicked resume saved game, with the option screen appearing and my progression reset. A common but that seriously hasn’t been fixed even in this version, o’h come on! That’s just plain bad!
But besides the saving issue, the controls are buggy and lack intuitive control, making a lot of the native controls I play with in the PC version very difficult to get to work quickly, which may be down to my own set up of the controls, but I rather believe are more related to sloppy engineering, as most of the PC’s control function could be integrated, except despite offering the function and the ability to simplify the controls, a deliberate more complicated approach has been made instead, by removing the ability to just use the curser function to excicute that function.
As a regular player on the Playstation consoles, since getting my first PlayStation back when it first released in the UK, it’s really disappointing that the game’s user interface and controls are lazy, and this lets down the experiance.