Great show up until the middle of season 1.... ABC brings in there agenda hard with 1 episode that literally talks about race and other skin deep social issues for the whole episode. Literally the next episode it goes into transgenderism with a CHILD! Framing the argument to make it seem like a good idea to castrate a child cause he doesn’t want to come off his hormone blockers cause and I quote “I’ll be the freak show at ballot with a mustache” I strongly disagree with making life changing decisions on a child who hasn’t even figured out there life and who they are yet. I don’t even need to bring forward the data that shows that children that are allowed to make these decisions on there own lead to depression, high suicide risk and regret for a life decision they made as a CHILD. If your into your show jamming a agenda down your throught this show is for you. After the episode I just talked about I left the show. Shame cause it had a lot of potential.