I’ve played every game…this is the worst. Story did not capture me. Setting was pretty lame in comparison to Italian Renaissance, France in their revolution era, the Caribbean, Greece during the Peloponnesian war, 800AD Europe, really any setting of any AC game…I like that it went back to stealth a bit in comparison to the last 3 RPG games but goodness the combat was absolutely awful. I know the game makers don’t want to go this route but I wanna see an AC game set in Peru during the Spanish Invasion and take over of the Inca Empire. You could do something similar to AC3 but totally different setting and story line. You could combine it with actual history. Beautiful setting. Andes mountains and the jungle. It would make for an incredible assassin game. Take me places. Be the adventure that this game always is. I know people said they missed the old AC but dang this game seemed to be going backwards from even the first game. If people want the first game they can play the remastered version. Continue with new settings and character's and if someone’s arc really takes off you could do a trilogy. I like Basaam but gosh this map was dull. Exxon was a great character but we also played him on a beautiful map. The same can’t be said here.