Got it on GamePass so essentially went in with a very low investment, and felt cheated. The previews and the announcement all seemed like generic dirge and was of no interest to me, and it seems since the announcements nothing has changed.
This game is not just an uncooked bun, it's barely even raw dough yet. It's missing reams of fundamental FPS parts, like even a baseline console aim assist, weapon wheel radials, ability to quick switch between weapons, any kind of weapon cohesion, ability overviews, and more of an issue, any kind of UX pass after the game was done at conceit phase.
Starting out, the first 5 minutes was good but it quickly fell off a cliff as the mechanics kicked in and the game just devoured itself in buggy broken nonsense. The town is generic and boring, the enemies have no sense of theme or interest, the NPC's don't work when you talk to them, objects disappear, quests break (like constantly too), quest objectives don't complete, NPC's don't trigger their voicelines, assets are copy pasted constantly, assets are not placed correctly so you often see into the void or impossible geometry.
Nothing in this game has character, interest or intrigue. I would not be surprised if it was revealed that ChatGPT made it, because it is a lovecraftian nightmare of terrible game design and engineering.
Do not buy this game. Do not download this game. Do not pirate this game. It is 100% not worth your time.
I would rank it alongside Superman 64 as easily one of the worst games ever made.