The game is extremely entertaining and has a fun combat system. For beginners like me, it's not overly challenging. the navigation system can be difficult, so looking up walkthroughs and guides are almost necessary. The story and its characters are very charming and unique. It's impossible to not fall in love with the characters and their story. For someone who's looking for a story game, I'd suggest this for sure! Although, it has its flaws. Many girl characters are shown wearing skimpy clothes, although it doesn't bother me too much, it might be too inappropriate to young audiences or males. They also throughout some cuss words, although none of them are horrible, they're spoken 80 times throughout the 17 chapters. Although many of the words are mild, such as 'damn'. There are a few that you might not want a young audience to hear. The game has a lot of pros and cons, but if you're mature enough you can probably look past those cons. Overall it's a fun game and has very fun gimmicks, if you've played Breath of the Wild and enjoyed it, you'll enjoy Xenoblade 2 for sure.
The music is outstanding and fits the mood perfectly. I'm a big fan of video game music, but I can be picky. After playing Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Xenoblade 2 stage and hearing the selected songs, I had high expectations for the soundtrack in the game. I was pleasantly surprised. The music really takes the emotions to a whole other level. This game is amazing to just sit down and play for hours. The open-world and fighting combat are amazing. The voice actors do a stellar job and the animators do a great job too. The game takes you on a rollercoaster ride. There will be moments your laugh and then the next moment you're filled with rage by the villains. The next moment you're watching the most wholesome scene and you get attached to the lovely characters. Then you might even start crying, the game brings up so many emotions, and that is the proof of the wonderful story development. For someone who has never played Xenoblade 1, (honestly don't know if it has any bearing on this or not) the story unwraps itself beautifully and eventually explains and answers all your questions. This story has defiantly shocked me, and I'm not even finished with the game yet.