Ah , yes terminator 2 : judgement day . Is one of the best action/ scifi films ever made. It prooves that sequels to films can be good 👍. This was one example of that . It's done really well.
Storyline : John Connor is alive and he's a kid no older than 12 years old . He has foster parents watching over him and his mom is in a jail for the critically insane . She's telling the truth about there being cyborgs ( robots) that are built by an origination called skynet which turns these robots into killing machines that are very hard to defeat . Nobody really believes her or her story they think she's crazy . One night two Terminators coming back to the past from the future . One wants John Connor dead the other was to protect him and save his life. There's only 3 ways really to defeat them. Remove the chip from its head , Terminate it buy crushing it or set it on fire . Don't want to give away the whole story but that's basically everything in short and the basic premise of the story. T800 is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger and the t1000 is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger . It was realeased in 1991 .
Biblical worldview good vs evil . Good Terminator wants to protect the boy and his mom's life. Evil terminator wants them dead . Boy is defying his foster parents when he's told not to go to the mall with his friend. The bible says honor thy father and thy mother which he doesn't do in the movie. Why causes him to end up fleeing from the mall anyways being that he's being chased by the t1000 . Language in the film could certainly afeend Christians . Multiple f words , s words and words like hell and damn are used five gd words said in the film/ religious profanities.
Violence makes sense because the premise is that two Terminators go back to the past ones entent on killing John Connor and his mom . The other is trying to protect them both and keep them safe. Lots of explosions and gun battles . Blowing up cars and even a exciting chase scene with the t800 on a motorcycle and the t1000 riding in a truck the truck does eventually explode.
Sex none
Nudity none
Drug referencs none other than smoking in one scene .
This is definitely a great film over all. If you're a fan of action movies . By far Terminator 2 can't be missed !!! .