(spoilers ahead) I watched this movie and let me tell you, the first hour of it is great. Sure it’s cheesy and there’s a bunch of cliches but it’s done in a fun way. But where this movie really take a dip is at the end. The entire movie, she was completely backstabbing John Tucker and yet at the end he just forgives her? Like she BARELY admits what was happening, and he just kind of smiles and is like “oh that’s kinda mean of ya”. And then, if that’s not unbelievable enough a food fight breaks out and they start throwing cake around on stage. After that she’s at school the next day and she goes up to him and is like “sorry bout that, sucks to suck ig” and he’s just fine with it????? She sees his brother at school again and it’s implied that they get together even though he’s Johns brother so that wouldn’t be awkward at all. Basically I think they should’ve played the video in full and then he just walks away and says “You are a horrible person. I really thought i loved you, but i’m done”. Then a short montage of her friends comforting her and all of them growing closer without the John Tucker scheme. Then a scene with his brother coming with a letter from John, saying that he’s thought over it and understands why she did it and forgives her. Then after that she could spend sometime with his brother and become friends and then more. The last scene could be her walking through school with his arm wrapped around her and then she smiles at john and then waves at her friends. Way better than what happened.