It is quite inaccurate. It peddles the myth that America rescued the six Americans in Tehran who had escaped the storming of the US embassy in 1979, with Ben Affleck cooking up a brilliant ruse and the might and ingenuity of the CIA behind him. This is bollocks. The British and New Zealand embassies are shown as turning the escaped hostages away. This is also bollocks.
Canada orchestrated the rescue. The CIA were bit players. “90% of the contributions to the ideas and the consummation of the plan was Canadian.” - former President Jimmy Carter.
The British embassy staff sheltered the escapees, and assisted other escapees beyond the initial six, as did New Zealand. Martin Williams, secretary to the British Ambassador, literally drove around the streets of Tehran until he found the hostages, and sheltered them in his own house, at considerable risk. The real life escapees were appalled at the way their rescuers were portrayed in the film.
“They put their lives on the line for us. We were all at risk. I hope no one in Britain will be offended by what's said in the film. The British were good to us and we're forever grateful." - Bob Anders, US embassy escapee.
When the real-life people your film portrays have to apologise for it, you’re definitely making revisionist garbage.