I LOVED Dylan in this movie. As a recent college grad this brought me back to the frustrations of being a student. I know this isn’t the actors’ fault but the screen writer’s, but the teacher had NO RIGHT to give Lucas an F. He got a B+ on the paper and is obviously extremely bright. Lucas also adequately explained and argued his points and obviously has very high goals and worked really hard on that paper. The teacher should’ve just given him the A and quick being such a jerk. The report card made me LIVID! You can’t fail a student just because you decide you don’t like them as a person. You still have to be a professional. He had absolutely no proof that Lucas was doing anything wrong when he failed him. Even if he knew he was doing those bad things, he was still doing well in the class and submitted honest work and didn’t deserve an F. Rant over. I got so into this movie and was really excited to see what Lucas was going to do next!