Just like the other gentleman described having seen it at the classic theater Lido in Bangalore, I too saw this classic there decades ago and I would concur with all the reviewers here. It is by far the best ever western made and the only way to see and experience it is to go to a movie hall that shows movies in 70mm format with dolby stereo. Still remember the icon opening scene wherein Gregory Peck is ambushed by the old man and the scene where he throws the broken whisky bottle away to evade being seen. Believe me there wasn't a soul in the theater who did not look back thinking that the bottle landed somewhere in the back. That was movie making and movie watching. I have been looking for it to show it to my son and he will enjoy it for sure but with no Lido in sight the experience is not going to be the same. They don't make theaters like they used to nowadays. It is all dinky little multiplexes.