Birds, also known as Aves, are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterised by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. That just does not seem very right to me. The definition of birds is so sketchy that I believe that birds are not animals, but secret drones working for the U.S. government. How do I know this? Well back in the year 1987 the president at the time went to his private restroom, and found something quite strange. It was a bird. He thought it was just a regular dove that somehow made its way into the white house, but that’s not what I think. I believe that the dove was a spy drone sent by Congress to spy on the president. They wanted to get pictures of the president and of the White House security. Why you may ask, because congress wanted to figure out the weak points in security so that they could rise to power. Doves eat seeds but they are not just any seed, they are battery seeds that keep the robot birds alive. So we need to stop making seed so that all of the robot spy doves will no longer work.
When the president (Ronald Reagan) went to remove the bird from his restroom it made a strange noise kind of like a beep noise. Obviously that means it is a robot because normal birds (if any exist) don’t beep. After Mr.Reagan got the bird out of the White House he continued on with his normal day, but when he went to the restroom again about 3 hours later the bird was there again. So once more he removed the robotic spy monster from the restroom and continued on with his evening. At approximately 10:34 PM the president went to his room, but when he entered the room there was a guest, an agent from the CIA and the bird was also there. The agent had a talk with Ronald about how congress wanted to rise to power, and Ronald decided it would be the best idea to leave office in 1989 which is what he did. Birds today are still trying to help congress, but now the White House has maximum security, so no birds (or people I guess) can get in the White House. Just keep this in mind and always watch the skies.