Surpasses 5 stars ⭐️In my opinion!! I have never EVER had a movie or television show series affect me as much is the series. I cried throughout each and every episode. Literally cried. Synchronicity’s within my own life and what I was viewing Within the series Was unbelievable to me. It truly mirrored my life in so so many ways. I was a Young Teenage mother ironically enough with the last name Russell. I have dark hair and I had a beautiful blonde haired baby girl that was depending on me. I was alone in this world Enduring emotional physical and financial abuse With a dysfunctional family to say at least. Much like her I know what it’s like to be in a shelter. I was there with my two children. I know what it’s like to be homeless. I know what it’s like to fight so very hard and fail. I prevailed, my children are happy healthy and grown. I became a nurse and now my daughter is a nurse and successfully owns her own business at 25 years old. My son is happy, healthy and a wonderful young man. I seen so much of myself on screen in this character It was shocking. Thank you Netflix for Allowing me to finally Acknowledge, Accept And work through the emotions Of a troubled past. When you’re in it, struggling, it takes everything you have to get up And fight for the life that your children deserve. You really do not have time to deal with all the Emotional Trauma of what is occurring. So thank you Netflix for allowing the floodgates of tears to flow. Let the healing begin!