I wanted to really like this show (I grew up in Greece), but unfortunately it’s so boring, redundant and repetitive that I can’t.
The older male and young female theme is so boring and uncomfortable, and never develops enough leaving you with many questions. mainly it’s kind of unsettling how this theme is established as normal (as grandma had the same story). Women are either overly sexualized, Klelia, or reduced to “victims” that never found the guts to live their lives—okay. Supposedly, Klelia is a bit more strong minded, but I’ll argue that she isn’t since she picks the steady-safe doctor-boyfriend much like her mom and grandma. Not great model for young woman. Also, Xaralabos coming back so many times on the boys dreams it’s not plausible. The screen writing also very repetitive—too much dialogue when the scene does it by itself. Orestis’s character is totally undeveloped almost feels that he isn’t there.
Overall, im happy that it made it to Netflix bc I want to see more shows from small countries, but Papakaliatis needs to bo better, this love triangle thing he does it’s just cliche now.