"Everything is connected."
But why??!!??
That is my conclusion after watching the series. I felt the story is unnecessarily complicated and characters are connected to each other without any logic. I really love sci-fi. I love series like star wars, sense 8, Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy, Dirk Gently and many more. I love the concept of time travel.
But I felt this show (and the people who love this show) was forcing me to believe.. "If you love science fiction, you have to love this show. Its so complicated, only the most intelligent people will get it."
I think people say that they liked this show only to prove to others how evolved their "pallate" is, that they love such complicated thrillers which do not make complete sense.
Honestly, I really liked the first season of the show. It was interesting, characters were developing just fine and time travel was happening through this wormhole in the cave which did not have a crossing and hence, it was difficult to master the routes. By season 3, I felt everyone was a champion in time travel, everyone had a time machine and everyone understood which routes to take in the cave. Wow! How convenient!!
The protagonist of this show is the most clueless character I have ever seen. His future self always comes to tell his past self that this is how I became the person I am today, you will have to go through this, you have a much bigger role in this than you think. This went on till the end of season 3. I mean really??!!??
The most hilarious part was introducing other alternate worlds. After about season 3, episode 4, I had stopped caring about the show altogether because anything and everything was happening.
In conclusion: A good storyline and a good concept which could have really become big but not well thought or executed. Unnecessary connections between characters and introducing multiple worlds made me care less about it.
A big no to this show.