Not Perfect.
Of course, "read the book". Plenty to like in the non-linear story telling and mild plot twists. Lots to project, misinterpret and guess at. Remember, the story was written well before Trvmpism, Covid, etc. and the series seems to hint at these more timely elements.
For instance, when Kirsten, our feral, highly traumatized, warrior/survivor squares off against the feared "Red Bandanas", a stand-in for your Trvmparoo, prepper, "red-pilled", incels- at least in my lefty mind, well, let's just say Kirsten has become fairly handy with a knife over the years. She butchers them all.
I've read other reviews painting the survivors as an unlikely and hapless bunch due to their, snow-flake, naval gazer, non-binary nature- well...that's just a lot of projection. The meta in that lies in the fact that these survivors are not stuck in the "before times" of the "culture war" fairy tale that QBots, Trvmparoos and Incels are desperate to cling to. If you must view Station Eleven through rose colored "Trvmp 2024" glasses, well- you've already lost. This world has moved on and was inherited by a more sensitive, flexible and resilient swath of unlikely survivors. They are not moored to early 21st century psychosis.
Like I said- there's much to take apart here. Think about this- the true accidental savior of the human race very well might've been a young, Black Woman, unsure and guarded of herself and her art and how it gave hope to generations into the future.
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
Psalms 37:11