If you’re looking at older more serious reviews (as in ones NOT written by crazy Christian’s who think this game is the devil in disguise) you’ll probably see a lot about lag on the switch or lag in general. You’ll also probably see a lot on a ton of different bugs, and maybe a couple about how monotonous and repetitive the combat system is. However, right now, a lot of those bugs have been fixed, the lag is MUCH more manageable (to where it’s almost nonexistent) and there’s been a TON of free content updates. The combat system has been much more richly added upon and the town building aspect has also been vastly improved upon as well. In fact, the developers are currently working on multiplayer (which releases on August 17th of this year) which would make the game a lot more fun. Also, there is much more story with the post-game basically doubling the entire games content. In fact, I would say the post- game is when the game actually gets really good. There have been a lot of improvements, so I just wanted to make sure that the game gets judged fairly based on its current state. It’s a really fun concept, and the art-style is PHENOMENAL. Definitely worth buying.