We only got as far as the first episode and that was bad enough - would rather stick pins in our eyes than watch any more of this disgrace to Enid Blyton’s legacy. Firstly, a black George and Fanny… really? That’s not true to the book. And yet they left Fanny (George’s mother) a blathering fool with no vocation and content to be subservient to her husband. If they want to go woke, they should at least be woke in their wokeness: give Aunty Fanny a freakin job and a life! Secondly, the acting (Gleeson in particular) was next level bad- Gleeson was excruciating. They put the wood in the trees and the ham in the pig. Lastly (but we could go on and on and on), the plot deviated so far from Blyton’s original, it bore no resemblance to the classic and much loved story. Shame on the makers. Shame, shame, shame. The 1 star is for Timmy the dog, best actor by miles!