I’d have to say Mr. K Bleezy’s review is as spot on as you can get, scroll down to view his. I respect the creativity behind the show and the new angle they are taking, but as previously stated the story that has been established over the years (damn near 7 hours worth of cutscenes that you can watch from halo 1 to infinite on YouTube) was so intricate and precise and emotionally capturing that it’s hard to fully understand exactly where the director is going with this show and or if they will tie it into the overarching story that’s really at play. I don’t want to take away from the time and money they’ve spent on the show, it’s nice to finally see this come to life. But I desperately urge the director (and those of you who haven’t experienced the original story) to take some time to dive into the original story line and see just how complex, detailed, emotionally impactful and well done it was and continues to be. With a story like that its hard to be all in on a show that may not actually be keeping the original storyline in mind. We’re only 4 episodes in so I hope to be pleasantly surprised, but It’s hard not to be skeptical with the lack of attention to detail they’ve exhibited. At the very least you could’ve incorporated the soundtrack, or anything that somewhat resembled it, from the original games. That was half of what made the storyline so emotionally capturing and mysterious. Take this review with a grain of salt, I’m obviously biased. But if you take the time to dive into the original story I think you will definitely see where I’m coming from.