I'll just get to the point for all important categories
Worst story I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing since MIB International, GOT season 8, Star wars TLJ, etc.
Terrible pacing, inexisting coherence in characters, plot armor galore, etc. etc. etc. Seriously, is like the writer intentionally came up with the worst way to construct a plot, I genuinely felt sick after finishing the game.
Gameplay wasn't all that good to be honest, other stealth games do the mechanics that TLOU 2 try to enforce on the player way better, AI is hit or miss, the most useless jump button I have ever experienced in all of my gaming life, shooting sucks AF, etc.
Music wasn't as great as the last entry, for some reason there's almost not a lot of songs in the game and the ones that actually are, are pretty great, can't lie.
Crediting where credit is due: This game has the best graphics I have ever seen in a videogame, 11/10 in this category alone, too bad it just feels empty when everything else is a complete mess.
First game I have ever returned for a refund after finishing it.
If you liked the first game, avoid this at all costs.
If you liked GOT's last season, the star wars sequels and or are a mindless sheep that just enjoys everything that gets pushed to then you will totally enjoy this disaster of a videogame.