I'd heard about this case but once you see and learn the details... omg... to get a sense of it, I've included the initial texts I sent to my brother and sister's group chat immediately as the credits rolled on the last episode... :(
Be advised that this will impact you much harder than you may be prepared for.
WARNING: Comments are emotionally charged but do not have spoilers.
Text 1: Yeah, it is honestly the most heartbreaking thing I’ve EVER seen
Text 2: Like I knew what it was about but when you actually heard the stories... omg.....
Text 3: I was seriously hysterical crying shouting at the tv at one point. It makes you so angry and so sad.
Text 4: But without a doubt, DCFS is completely at fault.
Text 5: I hope to god those 4 social workers never forget what their careless negligence led to.