A very thought provoking speculative fiction that blends urban fantasy with history and myths of our country.
The plot is very intriguing and at many times forced me to question the very existence of the truth we have been fed. Well, I can't be a spoiler!
I am not giving full five star because the writing style and the narration lack depth and creativity. But yes, hats off to the author for bringing such an amazing piece of work!
A captivating and enjoyable read! Raghav seamlessly employs interesting nuggets from India's lore and blends them with a stellar narrative suffused with engaging characters, most notably that of Ariqomo, the protagonist. And the fluid writing is consistently boosted by some sparkling turns of phrase. Truly, a highly impressive and recommended novel! Gonec - Ace of spades is fantastic and you must not leave this fiction tale by Atul raghav
Review : 4.8/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟