star wars is ruined once again, ruined by the political factors, they had the chance to make something glorious, and yet, they choose to go with the tide and the flow of times, and, "give disgusting fanservice" to the old fans, like the director said, and, what did we get? what did we actually get? where is it? or are you just talking about the movie cel texture, and fade in/out transitions?
The pacing is garbage, the camera work is sloppy, the frames are ugly, it's about the simple details, and you missed them, for example, a droid walks and the walking sounds dont match the animation... how can that be with a huge budget like the one they had? I guess they spent it all on the beautiful artistic makeups they used on some characters.
Just like Ep VII , VIII and IX, you are wasting screen time in things that you think that the audience want, and that they dont actually bring anything to the table, for example Kylo ren's no shirt scenes? you just carbon copied that with the new padawan, and "the super cantina scene"... sloppy, mediocre, Filioni and Favreau did a much better work in the first 3 minutes in the Mandalorian S1.
The Acolyte is missing key visual components, it doesn't communicate with the ambientance colors, hues, warm values, nothing, it feels like a project that got made because they had to do it not because they wanted to, and it saddens me.
I had such huge hopes. And all for nothing. Thank you Disney.