I loved the show. I do not agree with all of the poor reviews about the "lighting, music, atmosphere". I found it a very well put together show, from great camera angles to music spots. A lot of reviews that question the nature of not having enough different ethnic backgrounds or cultures, too many white people etc. etc. I did not find that either. I found that they had quite a lot of diversity for the show. You can only pack so much into one season. Maybe next season will be different, but I feel that people are being a little overboard and making this a "racial" issue instead of what the show was about, which is cooking. the two issues I did have with the show was that they picked a "Thanksgiving dinner" for the American dish. I am sure that there are so many more dishes to represent that country. and sadly I have to disagree with the Finale choice. I felt that the other three Chefs put so much more into their dishes, and made beautiful creations, while Timothy made a dish that he has made so many times before. And I felt that it lacked everything that the other dishes were comprised of. But overall, I loved the show and look forward to season 2 if there is one.