Creative, innovative, bold and not afraid to take risks. Acting was stellar, as was the screenplay and score. Cinematography was also fantastic. People keep brining up plot holes, however I see close to none, this is called 'ambiguity'. Some of the greatest films obtain ambiguous endings in order to spark speculation and conversation. This can not be linked to poor writing as the 'plot holes' do not contradict each other and can easily be resolved. Just because the information is not spoon fed to the audience people seem to have the audacity to claim it was 'poor writing'. Ironically, I did find the film explained slightly too much towards the end as opposed showing us, or leaving it up to us as the audience, however it was beautifully done. My nitpicks with the film probably involve what I found to be excessive comedy at times I did not want to be laughing, as well as small questions that are raised regarding the doppelgängers, far from plot holes however. Yes, the film definitely has it's flaws, and was for sure very different to what I expected after loving 'Get Out', but once you accept it for what it is and view it again I find it more than an enjoyable watch. Phenomenal film.