Every well written movie tries to generate a climate of familiar emotions in the audiences mind.. it then attempts to make the audience experience that climatic change of emotions for a brief period i.e. the duration of the movie. This movie does a really great job in doing that. The theme of this movie is the absurd. Now, absurd here doesn't signify the literal meaning of absurd. Absurd is a simple idea of philosophy which suggests that "People are people... and the outside world or the universe is the universe... but when there is a confrontation between the two the absurd arises... The fact that nothing really matters and everything is meaningless ... and amounts to nothing is the absurd... The deafening silence of the creator if there is one.... when even honest people .. hard working religious and loving people suffer in the worst circumstances... and their prayers their are never answered ... their wishes never granted.. but the fact they still have to continue and bear the suffering and the meaningless damnation that they have been born into is absurd. This is the central philosophical theme of the movie... the other nuances about the obese people... the depraved minorities etc.. are just a way of making the audience familiar with this idea by showing them what they can relate to the most... I mean no ones gonna watch a fat guy preaching about philosophy right... So now you have this idea in your head without really knowing what it means... Trust me.. one day you will understand... what this movie was trying to say