I have loved this show for it's first 7 seasons as it has been one of the funniest well written slapstick-esque comedies on TV. But as this new season has started like many other TV series this season it follows a trend of political bias in it's writing that has left me with a bad taste in my mouth. The first episode was a clear and resounding strike at the Police as being racist and hateful towards black people. The whole episode goes down this rabbit hole only offering a few awkwardly laughed at jokes that were just not in the same ball park as previous episodes. But the message was clear and the directors, stations and producers politics are known. But was it the same show and on par with others, no definitely not. But in respect to the previous 7 seasons of laughter I kept watching. Now here we are in episode 4 and have seen that the police are racist, they hate black people, they're deceptive and seek to only fool you, (Episode 3) they are actually really not needed as "their" facts prove (episode 4) that when the police were striking fewer cops were needed to keep the streets safer so a loud and clear de fund the police stance right there. For me where comedy and laughter was once their goal which they hit the mark every time; this change in production has gotten a bad review from me. The trend in hollywood going towards political manipulation that they would rather shove politics down your throat 24/7 without offering their once awesome reprieve in the worlds of TV that we all loved! But the world has given us this, a comedy oozing with hate behind jokes of uncertain laughter. Just not what I want to see when trying to relax watching TV.