The book is Trash
Six Sigma is a destructive scam based on pure farce. It was created by Mikel Harry a man who admitted he knew nothing about Quality. Harry claimed that all processes drift by +/-1.5 sigma, every 50 measurements, making them wildly out-of-control and unpredictable. Harry based his ludicrous claim on the height of a stack of discs! EVERY aspect is as worthless as its laughable foundations.
"Six Sigma Champions are con men "
“All you have is smoke and mirrors” “Smoke can also be used to cover areas you want to hide from view”
- Creator of Six Sigma, Mikel Harry
Dr Wheeler, the world’s leading process statistician, calls Six Sigma “GOOFY” and the stuff of “the tooth fairy”.. CBS calls it the most stupid fad of all time.
Of the 58 large companies that announced Six Sigma programs, 91 percent have trailed the S&P 500 since. Six Sigma destroyed its once best reference GE ... before they tossed the trash out.
Why do people turn their backs on the great men of QUALITY: Professor Deming, Professor Lewis, Professor Ishikawa, Dr Shewhart and Dr Wheeler, for the lunacy of the self confessed con man Mikel Harry.
Lean is yet another fad, copied from bits and pieces of what Toyota does. Toyota uses Quality Circles, JIT and Deming's methods.