I grabbed Sword Dance on a whim after seeing it advertised on Facebook. I’ve always had a desperate weak spot for the Ancient Mediterranean World and an alt-history version of it with romance and intrigue thrown in called to me. Sometimes my whims lead me in terrible directions, but with Sword Dance, my intuition didn’t fail me. I loved basically every word of this book. It was sweet, intriguing, well-paced, and also surprisingly funny.
The main characters were unique and well-written, never falling too firmly into any archetype. The two of them played off each other and the action around them well, never failing to entertain. Sometimes Damiskos is a little too infatuated with Varazda, dwelling on the dancer’s beauty and unique appearance; it’s not unbelievable that he feels so strongly, but I do feel the reader accesses those feelings a little too often.
Sometimes, Damiskos’s attraction to him leans into Varazda’s exoticness more than I’d like; the book even acknowledges that on some level. It never turns into flat out fetishism or othering of the character, though, and I hope it never does. It’s refreshing to see a character like Varazda have a purpose and a personality. The author also gets major points for having characters who discuss their sexual likes and dislikes with partners who actually respect those boundaries.
This book is a romance, but it didn’t isolate itself to that genre. This book also tackles political intrigue, espionage, foreign relations, and civil rights, sometimes subtle, sometimes less so.
The plot of Sword Dance moved at a quick clip, taking place over a short (though not very relaxing) vacation at a seaside villa. As the world around them falls into chaos and bloated political idealism, Damiskos and Varazda scheme to keep themselves and each other above the rising tide of danger. The supporting characters, though not always likable, are mostly fleshed out, although some of them, especially the philosophy students, do come across as caricatures. The book also has an expansive cast of supporting and background characters, so it’s understandable that not all of them are fully developed.
The ending is not a happily-ever-after, which is to be expected, as there are other books due out in the series, but it does leave room for one someday, somewhere down the road. I’m really hoping these two find their way to it. I can’t say too much without giving away the plot, but Varazda proves so much more complex and unique than his initial introduction suggests. I’m already awaiting the second installment.