Couldn't get through the first episode. The writers seem to think "dark comedy" means mashing together "dark", violent scenes, and "comedic" light-hearted scenes, rather than comedy that is actually dark. The result is a confused mess of a show - not only is the tone confused, but the story sprawls all over the place with no unifying theme or core plot to anchor it.
Classic example of confused tone: At one point, Vincenzo is introduced to a slew of characters in an old apartment building and each character is introduced as though they've stepped right out of a horror movie. Does this directorial choice have any significance to the wider plot? Nope. The characters return in another scene as completely normal people capable of completely civilised conversation.
[SPOILER WARNING] The only scene that truly compelled me was when Vincenzo had his luggage, money and watch stolen and he was left with nothing. But instead of finding a unique way out, the writers chose to have the scammers leave him with some petty cash so he easily gets a bus ride to his next destination and everything goes as planned -.-
Why has nobody pointed out these flaws yet? How did this make it to production with an 18 million dollar budget?!