Mario Wonder gets many things right and is an expertly crafted game. It is ideal for children with learning difficulties. but this hints to it's big down side; It is insultingly easy. The excuse 'it's for children' is a poor one when when it's safe to say it is far too easy for children as well, even those with learning difficulties.
Mario has always offered gamers a decent challenge, but with each passing games things get easier, and Wonder is so easy it is ultimately a waste of your time. Your eyes will have fun looking at the pretty visuals, your ears will probably like the music, but that's it.
This is all the more annoying as Wonder is filled with amazing ideas, which due to the ease of things never come close to realizing their potential. It's like going to an amazing buffet and only being allowed to smell the food. You never get to tuck in to anything.
Just having a difficulty setting in the game could have offset a lot of this gripe, and it's pretty lazy they did not include it.
If you like easy games that reward you constantly for doing very little then Wonder will be for you. But it's not worth 50 pounds. Wait until you can pick it up for 20 quid....Wonder is begging for a 'Lost Levels' edition. As it stand Wonder feels like a game made for morons and people scared of a challenge. It makes it ideal for those with cognitive problems, but a tragic waste of so much potential for most other people.