The show starts off well. It's quirky and genuinely funny. Then there's a drop-off in season 3, and a steeper drop-off in 4. It becomes the same recycled jokes, and several characters are dropped without any mention in the future. Maybe two characters are actually likeable, as just about EVERYONE else is horribly problematic. How many perverted, sexist men do they hire to be gynecologists? Finally, Mindy's only suitable partner ruins his likeability with his own sexism and possessive, uncooperative behavior. To the point that I'm actively rooting against him, despite previously being my favorite character. He disappears for a couple seasons, only to return in the final season, with little solid proof that he's changed.
P.S. I find it impossible to believe that Mindy Lahiri was first in her class in med school, as there are scenes where she flat-out lacks the most basic medical knowledge.
P.P.S. HOW many times is there a scene where someone is dramatically running in the rain to fix a mistake? We get it.