It is fun and quirky and would be great for the goofy sort of "mystery" if not for the horrific character and acting of DCI Wilkes/Jason Barnett; I get that he was supposed to be "bumbling" but the scripting and acting is so awful to the point of offense. He is almost like a 3rd grader very inappropriately mocking in stereotypes and slow or challenged classmate, and isn't even the "love to hate"; he is just unwatchable and unlikable.
The whole show is supposed to have some characricture-like acting and story lines, but even moment that that horrid character/actor is in it, feels like it is a completely different show, like all other characters and acting were written and directed by one set of people, and then a no-talent croatian I know is writing and directing that part.
It is incongruity and annoying.
James is a tool too, but he was written as a tool and exists in the same universe as the rest of the characters.