Your show is wonderful.
I am suggesting that you open a conversation on your show about the dark side of socialism.
When the crazy socialist free bee ideas are spoken of conservatives immediately retort with how that will kill America's economy. While the topic is important, it really remains at the level of "just words." but no action is stimulated.
Most people don't know that socialism is an atheistic, materialistic system that bans religion and does not accept that spirituality exists. Nor do people understand what life is like as a slave of a socialist gov't.
You are the best TV show host to bring to light the evils of socialism. You can get people thinking about the truth of socialism and start a new conversation that might open the eyes of the folks who have no idea that living under socialism is like living in hell. By the time the worm turns and there are no profits to deliver to the peans who were dumb enough to get caught in the mouse trap of hollow promises the gov't owns all the guns and the slaves only have rocks to throw..
What good is a free education when there is no place to use it?
Yours truly,
Diane Silverman