It was tanzania, the year was 1967 i was living in the orphanange. I had not a laugh. Merciless, peniless, and nauseos i walked my way to the cinema where I watched this godsend of a film. Once rasputia hit the screen, I flew. Laughter here, laughter there, laughter everywhere. I laughed and laughed and laughed. LOL. Hours passed and i laughed. Norbit was my father, Rasputia was my mother. I stole the film to bring to the orphanage. I showed it to my peers, the crazy middles. We became the best of friends. Like Norbit and Kate, "we even pooped together". Together, this film single-handledly started the Tanzanian laughter epidemic. Look it up its true. Villages upon villages laughing here, there, and everywhere. Its 2022 and were still laughing. I wish I could type more but I cant stop laughing.