This show is bs. All those character development (and an underwhelming one at that) for an ending that invalidates everything they worked hard for to fix. Billie has got to be the most annoying main character in all of Netflix shows. She keeps messing things up. When she realizes what she's done she tries to fix things but then do the same wrong thing again after. Just when she finally realizes her life is good and it's not worth to lose everything for her sexual desires, and after all those monologues about being contented and choosing what's right (Cooper), she runs to her ex to cheat? After a really good time with her husband and her kids? This show doesn't make sense, it's so contradicting, and it just goes around in circles without proper denouement and character development. Also, I don't like how this show uses psychology to justify and romanticize cheating. I mean, it would be more acceptable if her husband was a jerk and the ex was the good guy. But no. The show is literally using psychology and nonsense quotes to justify cheating on good partners with toxic people for the sake of fake sense of "freedom". It's bs. I hope it doesn't get a Season 2.