Meet the press is the most communist socialist oriented fake news organization out there. Look at the ratings, in the gutter and the democrats will fund it to our demise. People of America wake up! This morning they said " the questioning of the election is anti American" I thought a democracy promoted questioning if there is doubt. And, there is a lot of doubt. The democrats have wasted millions of our money trying bring down our president and failed, but now criticise our President for doing the same thing they were doing, questioning, not accepting the vote. The democrats are not allowing us to question anything, they deem themselves the true dictator. Sounds communist/nazi/socialist. Have you listened to Eat the Press? They tell the whole story that the democratic news stations fail at. Talk to the immigrants who grew up in the socialist countries, who left; they tell us, the democrat agenda has the same direction principles of the socialist/communist country dictatorships, and are we so stupid that we cannot see this? Abortion? Socialism? Stop the investigation? Let the states decide on how the vaccine should be given out? but if they don't do it right the democrats will step in and make sure the right people get it. American's, we are moving into the poorest administration of our life, watch your freedom go away to be decided by Camela Harris and her socialist buddies.