I felt as though the movie was amazing. The acting was powerful, the story was heart wrenching, and the songs were all, for the most part, beautifully done. I must say that I had very high expectations for this remake, as I do for all remakes, and my expectations were all met. The acting was beautiful and perfect. Ben Platt captured the emotions he feels perfectly. The actor for Jared was perfect for bringing some humor to the story. The actress and actor for Mrs. and Mr. Murphy perfectly depicted the struggle of trying to overcome their grief in different ways. The actress for Zoe was good in displaying her emotions, along with the actress for Mrs. Hansen. The songs were all sung well, especially the ones sung by Ben Platt, and the new songs fit perfectly with the originals. The story itself was really good, and beautifully told through the songs and acting. It will definitely evoke some tears from you. Overall, I see this movie as a wonderful and heart wrenching adventure that you simply must watch.