This show gets a lot of unnecessary hate due to people jumping on the bandwagon before watching it. In showing the aftermath of Hannah’s death, the suicide scene in itself and the impact it had on everyone around her, I felt the show did a great job of showing how dark and sad suicide is and I don’t feel they glorified it in any way. Saying that, I really admire how the show followed up on the criticism and learned from viewers opinions. They added trigger warners, helplines, cast talks and season 3 in particular shows the methods that can be taken to help survivors and the importance of having a friendship network in recovery.
Today I just finished season 3 and I have never cried so hard watching a series in my life. The show is beautifully written and the actors are phenomenal (it features one of the best acting moments I have ever seen, in the scene between Tyler and Clay where Tyler first opens up about his trauma). Initially I was seriously dubious about watching season 3, since the show took such a diversion in plot from the first two series and I didn’t think it would be necessary, but I think this did the story so much good. The show tackles many modern issues like deportation/detention centres, homosexuality, rape survivors (especially focusing on the male survivors this season), addiction, abortion, suicide, school shootings and they all tie together beautifully and are tackled with great care. There are many characters in this narrative whose plots all weave intricately. The most interesting thing about this season was the question of if someone ever deserves to die or can people change? I never thought after the first two seasons I would ever feel sympathy for Bryce Walker, let alone cry multiple times for his character. My emotions are wild and my brain is conflicted. It was a masterpiece.
It's my favorite TV shows 😍 I love you all CAST